


Guillermo Blest Gana

Si a veces silencioso y pensativo
a tu lado me ves, querida mía,
es porque hallo en tus ojos la armonía
de un lenguaje tan dulce y expresivo.
Y eres tan mía entonces, que me privo
hasta oír tu voz, porque creería
que rompiendo el silencio, desunía
mi ser del tuyo, cuando en tu alma vivo.
¡Y estás tan bella; mi placer es tanto,
es tan completo cuando así te miro;
siento en mi corazón tan dulce encanto,
que me parece, a veces, que en ti admiro
una visión celeste, un sueño santo
que va a desvanecerse si respiro!



Madison Weiss

If at times, thoughtful and silent
by your side you do see me,
it is because I discover in your eyes the harmony
of a most tender and affectionate language.
And you are so much mine, then, that I myself deprive
of even hearing your voice, because I fear
that in breaking the silence, my dear,
I split my being from yours, when in your soul I live.
And you are so beautiful, my pleasure is so great,
so complete when I look at you like this;
I feel in my heart such sweet enchantment,
that it seems, at times, as if in you I admire
a heavenly vision, a holy dream
that will vanish if I so much as breathe!