All That Glitters



Liu Guo-Fang (刘国芳)

根仔从小就没有志向, 秋生总问他大了做什么, 根仔说砍柴。 秋生说就砍柴吗。 根仔说还娶老婆。 秋生问娶了老婆呢, 做什么。 根仔说生儿子呀。 秋生就笑根仔, 说他没出息, 秋生总跟根仔说:“我大了一定要出去,去外面干一番事业。”

秋生大了, 真出去了。 走时, 秋生喊根仔一起去。 他们从小一起长大, 天天在一起, 秋生很希望根仔出去, 仍然天天在一起。 但根仔不出去, 根仔说: “你去吧, 我不想走。”


几年后, 秋生回来了, 秋生西装毕挺皮鞋锃亮。 一村的人都来看秋生, 说秋生有出息。 根仔便相形见绌了。 于是有人说:“根仔你也出去吧, 以后也穿西装, 穿皮鞋 。” 秋生和根仔好,  也劝他,  说; “城里怎么也比这山里好混, 你还是出去吧。”


又几年, 秋生带着老婆回来了, 女人长得如花似玉。 在乡下人眼里, 简直仙女一样。 村里人一脸羡墓。 这时有人见了根仔, 便说:“叫你也出去, 你不出去, 出去了也娶仙女一样的老婆, 根仔你还是出去吧 。” 秋生也劝根仔, 秋生说:“你应该开窍了, 在这山沟里要浪费你一辈子。”


再几年, 秋生担任领导了, 先是科长, 后是局长, 再是部长。 这期间秋生一年回几次家, 先是骑摩托, 后是坐吉普, 再是坐轿车。 村里人都以秋生为荣, 说到什么, 总把话往秋生身上引, 说我们村有个秋生当了部长。 秋生回来, 一村的人都意笑颜开, 这时没人再劝根仔了, 只说:“你看人家秋生, 多有出息。”

根仔也说 :  “是有出息。” 

秋生记着根仔, 回来一定要看望根仔 。

一次根仔在山上砍柴, 秋生也去了山上, 但秋生发福了, 大腹人便便, 等爬了上山去, 秋生气都喘不过来。 秋生喘着粗气跟根仔说:“你怎么就是想不开呀, 以我的地位, 你为啥要在这里砍柴?  跟我走吧, 就是看机关大门也比这里砍柴强。”


秋生四十岁的时候, 因喝多了酒, 得了肝硬化, 不出一月,死了。 根仔听说, 去一趟城里, 参加秋生的追悼会。 根仔和秋生一起长大, 秋生走了, 他十分难过, 见人就说: “他怎么喝那么多酒呢, 他怎么不注意身体呀, 早知道这样, 还不如跟我在山里砍柴哩 。”


开完追悼会, 根仔又回到了山里。

又过了一些年 。 起先, 还有人说到秋生, 说他曾经是部长 。 很多年很多年后, 有人提到秋生了, 偶尔有人提起, 也只说他们村里曾经有人当过部长。 又很多很多年后, 村里没人再提他了, 和秋生彻底被遗忘了。

很多年很多年过去, 根仔还活着 。

根仔一百岁时, 还活着, 这时的根仔银发皓齿, 一派仙风道骨。 村里人都以根仔为荣, 说他们村有一个根仔, 一百岁, 还耳聪目明, 行走自如。 很多人都知道百岁根仔, 有人坐了小车鱼贯而来, 问根仔长寿秘诀。 根仔读过好几年书, 说得出淡泊这个词, 他说淡泊就可以长寿。 问的人也懂得淡泊这个词, 但还问怎样才算淡泊。 根仔说不想发财不想当官, 不争名逐利, 过平平淡淡的日子, 无忧无虑, 你们做得到, 就可以长寿。 听的人不问了, 把小车鱼贯开出。

这时候根仔的曾孙也上学了, 秋生的曾孙也上学了。 两个孩子就一个班 。 一天根仔的曾孙带秋生的曾孙到村里玩, 见了根仔, 曾孙喊道: “太公, 我回来了。”

秋生的曾孙就说: “你怎么有太公呀。”

根仔的曾孙说: “你没有太公吗? ”

回答 :  “我没有太公。”

All That Glitters


Chardonnay Needler

From his earliest days, Genzai never had any ambition. Qiusheng would always ask him what he wanted to do when he grew up, and Genzai would always say he wanted to be a woodcutter. Qiusheng would say, “So you’d just cut wood then, huh?” to which Genzai would add, “And marry a wife, of course.” Qiusheng would ask, “And after you get hitched, what’d you do then?” Genzai would say, “Have kids, ya know.” Then, Qiusheng would laugh at Genzai, saying he’d have zero prospects, and he’d tell Genzai, “When I grow up, I’m going to get out of here, travel overseas for a bit, do real business.”

When Qiusheng grew up, he actually left. When he was going, he called out to Genzai to join him. They’d grown up together, spent every day together, so Qiusheng really hoped that Genzai would go with him, so they’d continue to spend every day together. But Genzai didn’t want to leave and said, “You go. I don’t want to leave.” 

So Qiusheng had no choice but to go by himself. 

A few years later, Qiusheng came back — decked out in a spiffy suit and dazzling leather shoes, sharply polished. The entire village came out to see him, saying he has so much potential. Genzai looked pathetic in comparison. So people started saying, “Genzai, you’ve gotta get out there. Then you can wear fancy suits and leather shoes.” Qiusheng was close with Genzai, and he encouraged him to go out, saying, “Oh, the city is crazier than the countryside. You’ve gotta get out there!”

Genzai said he didn’t want to leave. 

A few more years later, Qiusheng brought his wife back home. She was as beautiful as springtime blossoms and jade. In the eyes of the villagers, she was simply like the immortals from Daoist mythology. The whole village was envious. Now, though, people saw Genzai and said, “He’s calling to you to go too, but you’re not going. Leave and marry a woman of equal beauty and elegance. Genzai, you’ve gotta get out too.” Qiusheng kept trying to persuade Genzai, saying, “You should broaden your horizons. You can’t waste your life away in this valley.”

Genzai still said he wouldn’t go. 

Some more years after, Qiusheng took up the office of a local leader: first a section chief, then the director-general, and later a government minister. During this time period, he’d return home a couple times per year, first on motorbike, then a Jeep, and later a limousine. All the townspeople took incredible pride in him. Whatever was discussed, people always found a way to quote Qiusheng, since it was Qiusheng of their village who was appointed as a minister. When Qiusheng returned, the face of every person in the entire village lit up, beaming ear-to-ear. This time, no one encouraged Genzai to leave as well, they’d only say, “Look at our Qiusheng, what a success.”

Genzai would also say, “Yes, what a great success.” 

Qiusheng remembered Genzai, and when he came back he had to pay his old friend a visit.

One time while Genzai was chopping wood up in the mountains, Qiusheng came up to the summit as well, but he’d put on weight and now had a potbelly. Once he’d gotten to the top, he was out of breath. Qiusheng said to Genzai in staggered breaths, “How have you not thought about leaving? From my position, I don’t see…Why the hell do you want to stay here chopping wood? Leave with me, please, and then you can see that the opportunities ahead are greater than cutting wood.”

Genzai still wouldn’t go. 

When Qiusheng was forty years old, due to years of overdrinking, he got cirrhosis of the liver. Within one month, he died. Genzai heard the news and went to the city to attend Qiusheng’s memorial service. Genzai and Qiusheng had grown up together, and Qiusheng’s passing rocked him with grief. Upon seeing him he said, “How did he end up drinking that much alcohol? Why on earth did he not care for his body and health? Had I known this sooner, he might still be chopping wood with me on that mountain.”

As he said this, tears welled up in his eyes. 

After the funeral was over, Genzai returned to the mountains. 

A few years passed. At first, people still would talk about Qiusheng and how he once was a minister. Several years later, people would bring him up on occasion just to talk about how this village once had one of its people appointed as a minister. And many years after, no one brought him up again. Qiusheng had been completely forgotten. 

Yet, a good few years later, Genzai was still alive. 

Genzai was one hundred years old, still alive, except by now he had silver hair and white teeth, the spitting image of the immortal and the Daoist. All the townspeople took incredible pride in him. They’d say, “Our town has Genzai, one hundred years old, and still with sharp sight and hearing; he comes and goes with incredible ease.” So many people knew about this one-hundred-year-old Genzai, and people would drive up in lines to come see him and ask him the secret to his longevity. Genzai had read volumes of books, and still he’d come to this phrase: “eliminating covetousness.” He said that ceasing the chase for wealth can lead to longevity. Some people understood this concept, but then would still ask, “Well, how do you actually stop striving after fame and fortune?” He’d say, “Don’t think about earning money or becoming a government official, don’t pursue titles and tokens. Just plainly live out your days, worriless, without anxieties. If you can do that, then you will be able to live a long and healthy life.” Those who heard would ask no further questions, just leave in the same line they came. 

This same time, Genzai’s great-grandson and Qiusheng’s great-grandson both were in school. The kids were even in the same class. One day, Genzai’s great-grandson brought Qiusheng’s great-grandson into the village for a playdate. Upon seeing Genzai, Genzai’s great-grandson cried out, “Great-granddad, I’m back!”

Qiusheng’s great-grandson said, “How do you have a great-grandpa?”

Genzai’s great-grandson said, “You don’t have a great-granddad? Huh?”

The response: “I don’t have a great-grandpa.”