Ic eom mund-bora mīnre heorde,
eodor-wīrum fæst, innan gefylled
dryht-gestrēona. Dæg-tīdum oft
spǣte spere-brōgan; spēd biþ þȳ māre
fylle mīnre. Frēo þæt bihealdeð,
hū mē of hrīfe flēogað hylde-pīlas.
hwīlum ic sweartum swelgan onginne
brūnum beado-wǣpnum, bitrum ordum,
eglum āttor-sperum. Is mīn innað til,
womb-hord wlītig, wloncum dēore;
men gemūnan þæt mē þurh mūþ fareð.
Riddle 15
Ophelia Eryn Hostetter
I’m the bold soldier of what I’ve been holding,
wire-woven, hedged and fledged,
pledged to the game, crowned & inwound —
hours go down, spot me spitting
by the minute — spear-spite never quitting.
Speeding is the way that it goes,
growing swollen, overflowing what I savor.
how my belly bursts with battle-hurts,
Starts to swing when I start to swallow
this hollow dark, war-edges swart & sharp,
the bitterness of biters, terrible teeth of spiders.
Inside’s a pleasure, trickled up with treasure,
sweetness to measure & loved by the leisured —
fam can’t forget, can’t figure how it flows,
what flecks flicker in famous flocks from my nose.